Sunday 28 March 2010

Jinx's Blog (No. 3)

The warm weather is back! That's right, no rain, no snow and no squelchy ground. So that means only one thing, I Went for a Walk! Armed with my harness, tactical plans of the garden and Bunny Girl's boyfriend to lock away the dogs I live with (Ha!) I took on the world outside once more. A walk in the garden for me never really involves that much walking, mainly we just chill in the garden, by chill I mean BG and her bf sit and talk about coupley stuff (Ick!) and I explore the plant pots while trying to avoid the magpies playing in the bird bath a few feet away. Stupid birds, they couldn't catch me even if they tried.

I learnt several interesting things today:

  1. I am now big enough to climb into the tallest plant pot in the garden.
  2. I like the rain.
  3. It is easy to forget how messy mud is.
  4. Having your owner and her boyfriend style your hair into a Mohawk because it is "cute" is not that fun for me.
  5. Slugs have an attitude problem, which is why I told said slug to go check out the herb garden, which I know for a fact is laced with slug pellets. Talk back to me will ya?

See Ya!

x Jinxy B, The Ruler of the Garden, Tamer of Birds and Slayer of Cheeky Slugsx

Friday 19 March 2010

I Read The Sun Today....

For The Full Article Please Check Out :

Like all other pet owners I was completely horrified when I heard about this and I am sure I wont be the only one blogging about it.

Last September a woman called Katey Barber got drunk and torched her sister's rabbit hutch with the rabbit still inside. It is reported that she was found laughing and shouting 'Look, the rabbit's running around on fire'. Luckily the rabbit survived after a neighboured poured water him to extinguish the flames. The poor thing now has to get his ear amputated and is covered with burns. Barber is now on trial for causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal and will be sentenced next week.

Now for my rant...

If there was any justice in the world Katey Barber would be set on fire. I know that is harsh but if someone is cruel enough to inflict such damage on a poor defenceless creature they should have the same act carried out on them. The site of the poor rabbit alone is heart breaking. To make matters worse the wee bunny now hates humans and distrusts them...and I don't blame him. I just hope that one day he finds a good home where he can learn that not every human is a beer swilling chav with nothing better to do with their lives than sadistically torch innocent creatures.

I don't care if I am being harsh. Its my blog, my opinion. Burn the bitch.

x (a really cheesed off ) Bunny Girl x

Thursday 18 March 2010

Jinx's Professional Photoshoot....Yes She is Spoilt Rotten

These were taken a while ago but I thought that I would stick them up any way. At the time she had a little touch of the snuffles, if you are wondering about the fur around her nose, but she is all better now, as you can tell by both our blog postings.

x Bunny Girl x

Monday 15 March 2010

Jinx's Blog (No. 2)

Yes I know I am posting twice in one day. I just wanted to put this up here because I was thinking of what else to put up here.

Reasons why Humans Piss Me Off (To Be Containued)
(Yes There is a list so read and take note you stupid hairless creatures. Especially a certain someone who I live with who is ignoring me right now)

  1. The Cooking Channel : It should be titled the Horror Channel. But still you insist on watching it while I'm in the room. TURN IT OFF! Or at least cook the chief, that would be far more entertaining to watch. "Today on master chief Annie is making a TV chief rump roast with carrots and mash potato" Stuff that down the judges throat. I don't have a problem with people eating meat its just other rabbits. Don't eat me, I'm cute...tasty...but cute.
  2. Your Always Sleeping: When I want my lunch I want my lunch. I don't want to have to wake you five or six time before you decide to feed me. Your supposed to be at my beckoned call, that is why I let you buy me.
Well I think that is enough of my little furry chest for today. Thanks for reading and if you have any problems or an opinion on anything I say, post them up. I'm not going to read them and they will fill BG's mail full of messages. So meh.

xx Jinxy Bell xx

Jinx's Blog (No. 1)

As Bunny Girl has been busy with "Course work" I thought that I shall hijack our blog today. Not that I have anything better to do. Being stuck in doors for the last couple of weeks has been driving me insane. Yes I'm a house rabbit and tend to spend my time lounging on either the bed or near the radiator but occasionally I like to go outside on my leash. Sadly due to snow, rain and generally freezing weather Bunny Girl and I have been less interested in sitting in the back garden. That reminds me, I need to tell her to get us a new leash, my current harness is getting a bit tight. Oh no I am getting fat! Either that or it has something to do with Bunny Girl being stupid enough to buy me a leash when I was a baby. Stupid human giving me a weight complex!

I think I might be needing another trip to the vet. Wow I never thought I would be saying that! But yeah I hurt my teeth yesterday when I was playing with my toys. There was red stuff all over me. BG freaked out and wanted to know why I was "bleeding". Like I would know! But yeah we shall be having a vet trip in the future. But I have stopped "bleeding" for now, not that I ever plan to do that again. It was painful! Stupid jiggly ball! Maybe I should "accidentally" give it to one of the dogs to play with, that should teach that ball a lesson.

Oh I have to mention that Saturday was my Birthday. Well my second birthday, technically my real birthday was 9 weeks ago but Saturday was me and BG's anniversary. She bought me parsley and I chewed a hole in a pair of her socks. So everyone got something

Well I think I shall go now. BG has just refilled my food bowl and I am starving. Chat Laters

x Jinxy Bell x

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Cool Stuff

Bunny Girl's Review

Thought that I would share this with my blog. Not only did I find it a novelty to make my bunny juice but also it is good for her as well. I don't like to advertise stuff but if I find something cool I like to share, especially when it comes to bunny care.

Beaphar Carrot Drink contains vitamin C and promotes healthy digestion in both rabbits and guinea pigs.

You can buy it online at:

But I got mine at my local pet store for £3.50

Jinx Bellatrix's Review

I know this stuff was supposed to be good for me but I didn't like it. It smelt like carrots but it also stained my water bottle orange. I think I shall stick to getting my carrots in carrot form thanks.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Introducing Jinx

For the last year I have shared my bedroom with my little pal Jinx Bellatrix aka Jinxy Bell. Named after the Harry Potter character and due to the fact that I got her on friday the 13th. She's a female lionhead and can be a bit of a handful. Even though she has cost me a small fortune in vet bills I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Welcome To The Bunny Blog

Hey Folks,

I noticed that lack of rabbit owner orientated sites/blogs out there so I created this, Bunny Blog. I have been owning house rabbits for the last three years and I am a free lance writer for pet advice websites, mainly my focus is on rabbits and other small mammals.

I thought that it would be great to have a blog where people are able to get advice and talk about their pets. Of course I shall post regular blogs and happily answer any questions you may have. I'll even put up some fun stuff if I can think of any.


Bunny Girl