Sunday 28 March 2010

Jinx's Blog (No. 3)

The warm weather is back! That's right, no rain, no snow and no squelchy ground. So that means only one thing, I Went for a Walk! Armed with my harness, tactical plans of the garden and Bunny Girl's boyfriend to lock away the dogs I live with (Ha!) I took on the world outside once more. A walk in the garden for me never really involves that much walking, mainly we just chill in the garden, by chill I mean BG and her bf sit and talk about coupley stuff (Ick!) and I explore the plant pots while trying to avoid the magpies playing in the bird bath a few feet away. Stupid birds, they couldn't catch me even if they tried.

I learnt several interesting things today:

  1. I am now big enough to climb into the tallest plant pot in the garden.
  2. I like the rain.
  3. It is easy to forget how messy mud is.
  4. Having your owner and her boyfriend style your hair into a Mohawk because it is "cute" is not that fun for me.
  5. Slugs have an attitude problem, which is why I told said slug to go check out the herb garden, which I know for a fact is laced with slug pellets. Talk back to me will ya?

See Ya!

x Jinxy B, The Ruler of the Garden, Tamer of Birds and Slayer of Cheeky Slugsx

1 comment:

  1. I wish my owners would take me out on a walk, although I'm not sure how much I would like it! :/

    I'm a guinea pig by the way :)
